Case Study: People Counting

Preston City Centre

The Problem

“The BID, supported by city centre businesses, has invested in footfall counting technology for a number of years. When entering the BID’s fourth term, we undertook a procurement exercise to find a supplier that could meet our expectations and budgets for this technology. Thankfully, Bi3 were able to do both. The added benefit is that Bi3 are a local company, and an established business proudly operating from Preston. We have enjoyed working with them on this project, and found their product and service to be of very high quality.”

Mike Pixton - BID Support Officer & City Centre Warden

“The BID, supported by city centre businesses, has invested in footfall counting technology for a number of years. When entering the BID’s fourth term, we undertook a procurement exercise to find a supplier that could meet our expectations and budgets for this technology. Thankfully, Bi3 were able to do both. The added benefit is that Bi3 are a local company, and an established business proudly operating from Preston. We have enjoyed working with them on this project, and found their product and service to be of very high quality.”

The Solution:

Preston BID required a dashboard that compares weather data to footfall metrics, as well as annual support for equipment installation and maintenance.

1. Non-identifiable CCTV imagery captured across the monitored area

2. Footfall metrics using people counting analytics

3. Bespoke data dashboard and reporting (IMR)

4. Annual maintenance

5. Secure data network and equipment transfer

Benefits to the Retailers

Footfall figures in three busy high street areas will be tracked and monitored by the BID. Bi3’s system will be operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and has integrated with third-party data to provide comparison functionality. Footfall traffic is also displayed in the Bi3 IMR dashboard for a usable data set, which is used to inform decisions on future planning, special events, investment, and more. Business insight 3 will be suppling and maintain the equipment throughout the duration of the BID projects. As a Preston-based technology company, we can provide rapid technology support when needed.

Rental Agreement

Overall Op-EX payment was identified as an effective approach for the client in this project. This provided the customer with a rental model that aligns with project timelines and the client’s needs and expectations. The rental model provides numerous advantages to the end user.

We not only made the system 100% tax deductible, through the rental model, but we also kept the total upfront cost low by providing “Business Intelligence as a Service,” which includes system maintenance and free upgrades if a newer version of the technology implemented, becomes available.

The Model enabled us to deliver the system that the client ‘needed’ while also facilitating a high-level product at a low upfront cost.

Technology Partner : IEE Sensing

SIEE Sensing has developed and manufactured world-class sensing solutions for over 30 years. From printing Electronics to sophisticated radar and 3d camera technologies, they aim to deliver the best quality products measured by any standard. 

IEE provides high-quality sensors for building management and security applications./ this includes their renown 

IEE provide high-quality sensors for building management and security applications. With unrivalled accuracy of 99.8% IEE solutions are utilised for tailgate detection, people counting and occupancy of all types of buildings.

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